#11 – ESP32
Project #11: ESP32 – Bluetooth IoT – Mk12
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ESP32 #Bluetooth #Elecrow #DFRobot #Arduino #Project #Patreon #Electronics #Microcontrollers #IoT #Fritzing #Programming #Consultant
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology standard that is used for exchanging data between fixed and mobile devices over short distances and building personal area networks. In the most widely used mode, transmission power is limited to 2.5 milliwatts, giving it a very short range of up to 10 metres. It employs UHF radio waves in the ISM bands, from 2.402 GHz to 2.48 GHz.
You can pair all kinds of Bluetooth devices with your PC, including keyboards, mice, phones, speakers, IoT, and a whole lot more. To do this, your PC needs to have Bluetooth. Some PCs, such as laptops and tablets, have Bluetooth built in. If your PC doesn’t, you can plug a USB Bluetooth adapter into the USB port on your PC to get it.
1 x DFRobot FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E
1 x Fermion: 2.0″ 320×240 IPS TFT LCD
1 x GDL Line 10 CM
1 x Crowtail- Rotary Angle Sensor 2.0 – 10K Ohm
1 x Crowtail- LED 2.0 – Yellow
1 x Crowtail- LED 2.0 – Green
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 1000mAh
1 x Switch
1 x Bluetooth Serial Terminal for Windows 10
1 x USB 3.1 Cable A to C
FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E
POT – A0
LEG – 16
LEY – 17
DC – D2
CS – D6
RST – D3
RX2 – Bluetooth
TX2 – Bluetooth
VIN – +3.3V
/****** Don Luc Electronics © ****** Software Version Information Project #11: ESP32 - Bluetooth IoT - Mk12 11-12 DL2501Mk01p.ino DL2501Mk01 1 x DFRobot FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E 1 x Fermion: 2.0" 320x240 IPS TFT LCD 1 x GDL Line 10 CM 1 x Crowtail- Rotary Angle Sensor 2.0 - 10K Ohm 1 x Crowtail- LED 2.0 - Yellow 1 x Crowtail- LED 2.0 - Green 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 1000mAh 1 x Switch 1 x Bluetooth Serial Terminal for Windows 10 1 x USB 3.1 Cable A to C */ // Include the Library Code // Arduino #include <Arduino.h> // Wire #include <Wire.h> // DFRobot Display GDL API #include <DFRobot_GDL.h> // Bluetooth Serial #include "BluetoothSerial.h" #if !defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) || !defined(CONFIG_BLUEDROID_ENABLED) #error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it #endif // Bluetooth Serial BluetoothSerial SerialBT; // Defined ESP32 #define TFT_DC D2 #define TFT_CS D6 #define TFT_RST D3 /*dc=*/ /*cs=*/ /*rst=*/ // DFRobot Display 240x320 DFRobot_ST7789_240x320_HW_SPI screen(TFT_DC, TFT_CS, TFT_RST); // Potentiometer int iPot = A0; int iPotVal = 0; // Change Your Threshold Here int Threshold = 2000; // Full String String FullString = ""; // LED Yellow int iLEDY = 17; // LED Green int iLEDG = 16; // Software Version Information String sver = "11-12"; void loop() { // Potentiometer isPotentiometer(); // Delay 2 Second delay( 2000 ); }
// DFRobot Display 240x320 // DFRobot Display 240x320 - UID void isDisplayUID(){ // DFRobot Display 240x320 // Text Display // Text Wrap screen.setTextWrap(false); // Rotation screen.setRotation(3); // Fill Screen => black screen.fillScreen(0x0000); // Text Color => white screen.setTextColor(0xffff); // Font => Free Mono 9pt screen.setFont(&FreeMono9pt7b); // TextSize => 1.5 screen.setTextSize(1.5); // DFRobot Display screen.setCursor(0, 30); screen.println("Don Luc Electronics"); // Don Luc Electronics screen.setCursor(0, 60); screen.println("DFRobot Display"); // Version screen.setCursor(0, 90); screen.println("Version"); screen.setCursor(0, 120); screen.println( sver ); } // isDisplay Green void isDisplayG(){ // DFRobot Display 240x320 // Text Display // Text Wrap screen.setTextWrap(false); // Rotation screen.setRotation(3); // Fill Screen => black screen.fillScreen(0x0000); // Text Color => white screen.setTextColor(0xffff); // Font => Free Mono 9pt screen.setFont(&FreeMono9pt7b); // TextSize => 1.5 screen.setTextSize(1.5); // Don Luc Electronics screen.setCursor(0, 30); screen.println("Don Luc Electronics"); // LED Yellow screen.setCursor(0, 60); screen.println("LED Green"); // Potentiometer Value screen.setCursor(0, 90); screen.println( iPotVal ); } // isDisplay Yellow void isDisplayY(){ // DFRobot Display 240x320 // Text Display // Text Wrap screen.setTextWrap(false); // Rotation screen.setRotation(3); // Fill Screen => black screen.fillScreen(0x0000); // Text Color => white screen.setTextColor(0xffff); // Font => Free Mono 9pt screen.setFont(&FreeMono9pt7b); // TextSize => 1.5 screen.setTextSize(1.5); // Don Luc Electronics screen.setCursor(0, 30); screen.println("Don Luc Electronics"); // LED Yellow screen.setCursor(0, 60); screen.println("LED Yellow"); // Potentiometer Value screen.setCursor(0, 90); screen.println( iPotVal ); }
// Potentiometer // Potentiometer void isPotentiometer(){ // Connect Potentiometer to Analog 0 iPotVal = analogRead( iPot ); // Threshold if (iPotVal > Threshold) { // LED Yellow digitalWrite(iLEDY, LOW); // isDisplay Green isDisplayG(); // LED Green digitalWrite(iLEDG, HIGH); // FullString FullString = "LED Green = " + String(iPotVal) + "\r\n"; } else { // LED Green digitalWrite(iLEDG, LOW); // isDisplay Yellow isDisplayY(); // LED Yellow digitalWrite(iLEDY, HIGH); // FullString FullString = "LED Yellow = " + String(iPotVal) + "\r\n"; } // FullString Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullString.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullString.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullString.c_str()[i]); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Serial Begin Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Starting BLE work!"); // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.begin("Don Luc Electronics"); Serial.println("Bluetooth Started! Ready to pair..."); // Delay delay(100); // DFRobot Display 240x320 screen.begin(); // Delay delay(100); // Initialize the LED Yellow pinMode(iLEDY, OUTPUT); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDG, OUTPUT); // DFRobot Display 240x320 - UID // Don Luc Electronics // Version isDisplayUID(); // Delay 5 Second delay( 5000 ); }
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Electronics, IoT, Teacher, Instructor, R&D and Consulting
- Programming Language
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Arm, Silicon Labs, Espressif, Etc…)
- IoT
- Wireless (Radio Frequency, Bluetooth, WiFi, Etc…)
- Robotics
- Automation
- Camera and Video Capture Receiver Stationary, Wheel/Tank and Underwater Vehicle
- Unmanned Vehicles Terrestrial and Marine
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Sensors, eHealth Sensors, Biosensor, and Biometric
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Consulting
Follow Us
Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2024
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Don Luc
Patreon: Intermediate
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ESP8266 #ESP32 #Arduino #Elecrow #Project #Patreon #Electronics #Microcontrollers #IoT #Fritzing #Programming #Consultant
Patreon: Intermediate
Intermediate: Internet of Things (IoT). Internet of Things (IoT) describes devices with sensors, processing ability, software and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communication networks.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT), the vast array of physical objects equipped with sensors and software that enable them to interact with little human intervention by collecting and exchanging data via a network. The Internet of Things (IoT) includes the many “Smart”, computer-like devices so commonplace today, which can connect with the Internet or interact via wireless networks; these “Things” include phones, appliances, thermostats, lighting systems, irrigation systems, security cameras, vehicles, even animals and cities. Today, smart watches track exercise and steps, smart speakers add items to shopping lists and switch lights on and off, and transponders allow cars to pass through tollbooths and pay the fee electronically.
Espressif Systems
Espressif Systems, a company with headquarters in Shanghai, China made its debut in the microcontroller scene with their range of inexpensive and feature-packed WiFi microcontrollers.
The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microcontroller, with built-in TCP/IP networking software, and microcontroller capability.
Arduino — A C++-based firmware. With this core, the ESP8266 CPU and its Wi-Fi components can be programmed like any other Arduino device.
ESP32 is a series of low-cost, low-power system-on-chip microcontrollers with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth. The ESP32 series employs either a Tensilica Xtensa LX6 microprocessor in both dual-core and single-core variations, an Xtensa LX7 dual-core microprocessor, or a single-core RISC-V microprocessor.
Arduino – A C++-based firmware. With this core, Arduino core for the ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3, Etc.
1 x DFRobot FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E
1 x Crowtail- Rotary Angle Sensor 2.0 – 10K Ohm
1 x Crowtail- OLED
1 x Crowtail- LED 2.0 – Yellow
1 x Crowtail- LED 2.0 – Green
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 1000mAh
1 x Switch
1 x USB 3.1 Cable A to C
FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E
POT – A0
LEG – 16
LEY – 17
SCL – 22
SDA – 21
VIN – +3.3V
/****** Don Luc Electronics © ****** Software Version Information Patreon: Intermediate Intermediate DL2412Mk02p.ino DL2412Mk02 1 x DFRobot FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E 1 x Crowtail- Rotary Angle Sensor 2.0 - 10K Ohm 1 x Crowtail- OLED 1 x Crowtail- LED 2.0 - Yellow 1 x Crowtail- LED 2.0 - Green 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 1000mAh 1 x Switch 1 x USB 3.1 Cable A to C */ // Include the Library Code // Arduino #include <Arduino.h> // Crowtail- OLED #include <U8x8lib.h> // SPI #include <SPI.h> // Crowtail- OLED // U8x8 Contructor List U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_HW_I2C u8x8(/* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE); // Potentiometer int iPot = A0; int iPotVal = 0; // Change Your Threshold Here int Threshold = 2000; // LED Yellow int iLEDY = 17; // LED Green int iLEDG = 16; // Software Version Information String sver = "Intermediate"; void loop() { // Potentiometer isPotentiometer(); // Delay 0.5 Second delay( 500 ); }
// getDisplay // Crowbits-OLED 128X64 UID void isDisplayUID(){ // Clear u8x8.clear(); // Font u8x8.setFont(u8x8_font_chroma48medium8_r); // Draw u8x8.drawString(0,0,"Don Luc Electron"); // Draw u8x8.drawString(0,35,"Intermediate"); } // isDisplay Green void isDisplayG(){ // Clear u8x8.clear(); // Font u8x8.setFont(u8x8_font_chroma48medium8_r); // Cursor u8x8.setCursor(0,0); // Print u8x8.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Cursor u8x8.setCursor(0,30); // Print u8x8.print("LED Green"); // Cursor u8x8.setCursor(0,35); // Print u8x8.print(iPotVal); } // isDisplay Yellow void isDisplayY(){ // Clear u8x8.clear(); // Font u8x8.setFont(u8x8_font_chroma48medium8_r); // Cursor u8x8.setCursor(0,0); // Print u8x8.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Cursor u8x8.setCursor(0,30); // Print u8x8.print("LED Yellow"); // Cursor u8x8.setCursor(0,35); // Print u8x8.print(iPotVal); }
// Potentiometer // Potentiometer void isPotentiometer(){ // Connect Potentiometer to Analog 0 iPotVal = analogRead( iPot ); // Threshold if (iPotVal > Threshold) { // LED Yellow digitalWrite(iLEDY, LOW); // isDisplay Green isDisplayG(); // LED Green digitalWrite(iLEDG, HIGH); } else { // LED Green digitalWrite(iLEDG, LOW); // isDisplay Yellow isDisplayY(); // LED Yellow digitalWrite(iLEDY, HIGH); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Delay delay(100); // Crowtail- OLED u8x8.begin(); u8x8.setPowerSave(0); // Delay delay(100); // Initialize the LED Yellow pinMode(iLEDY, OUTPUT); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDG, OUTPUT); // Crowbits-OLED 128X64 // Don Luc Electronics // Version isDisplayUID(); // Delay 5 Second delay( 5000 ); }
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Electronics, IoT, Teacher, Instructor, R&D and Consulting
- Programming Language
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Arm, Silicon Labs, Espressif, Etc…)
- IoT
- Wireless (Radio Frequency, Bluetooth, WiFi, Etc…)
- Robotics
- Automation
- Camera and Video Capture Receiver Stationary, Wheel/Tank and Underwater Vehicle
- Unmanned Vehicles Terrestrial and Marine
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Sensors, eHealth Sensors, Biosensor, and Biometric
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Consulting
Follow Us
Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2024
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thesass2063
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
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Patreon: https://patreon.com/DonLucElectronics59
DFRobot: https://learn.dfrobot.com/user-10186.html
Hackster.io: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Elecrow: https://www.elecrow.com/share/sharepj/center/no/760816d385ebb1edc0732fd873bfbf13
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@luc.paquin8
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lucpaquin
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jlucpaquin/
Don Luc
Project #11: ESP32 Feather – PIR Motion Sensor – Mk11
PIR Motion Sensor
PIR Motion Sensor
Passive infrared (PIR) sensors are motion-detecting devices used in security systems across the world, even though you may not see them, they probably see you.
This is a simple to use motion sensor. Power it up and wait 1-2 seconds for the sensor to get a snapshot of the still room. If anything moves after that period, the ‘alarm’ pin will go low.
Pololu Adjustable Boost Regulator 2.5-9.5V
This powerful, adjustable boost regulator can generate an output voltage as high as 9.5 V from an input voltage as low as 1.5 V, all in a compact, 0.42″ x 0.88″ x 0.23″ package. A trimmer potentiometer lets you set the boost regulator’s output voltage to a value between 2.5 and 9.5 V.
1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x 8Gb Micro SD Card
1 x RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
1 x GPS Receiver GP-20U
1 x LED Green
1 x Rocker Switches
1 x 100 Ohm
1 x 10K Ohm
1 x 3.3M Ohm
1 x Antenna
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 2.5Ah
1 x PIR Motion Sensor
1 x Pololu Adjustable Boost Regulator 2.5-9.5V
1 x LED Green 1
14 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
10 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
2 x Wire
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
2 x Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
LG0 – Digital 21
RO1 – Digital 16
RHT – Digital 17
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
SD1 – Digital 33
SC2 – Digital 5
MO2 – Digital 18
MI2 – Digital 19
GPS – Digital 4
EMF – Analog A0
BAT – Analog A13
MOT – Digital 32
LG1 – Digital 14
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics ***** // Software Version Information // Project #11: HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather - PIR Motion - Mk11 // 11-02 // DL1911Mk02p.ino 11-11 // Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board // SHARP Display // LED Green // Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD // EEPROM // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Rocker Switches // GPS Receiver // EMF Meter (Single Axis) // Lithium Ion Battery - 2.5Ah // PIR Motion // Pololu Adjustable Boost Regulator 2.5-9.5V // LED Green 1 // include Library Code // SHARP Memory Display #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Date and Time #include "RTClib.h" // EEPROM library to read EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include "EEPROM.h" // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor #include <SparkFun_RHT03.h> // SD Card #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // GPS Receiver #include <TinyGPS++.h> #include <HardwareSerial.h> // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here, e.g. 144x168! Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 int minorHalfSize; // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // LED Green // PCF8523 Precision RTC RTC_PCF8523 rtc; String dateRTC = ""; String timeRTC = ""; // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 17; // RHT03 data pin Digital 17 RHT03 rht; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we'll use to interact with the sensor float latestHumidity; float latestTempC; float latestTempF; // SD Card const int chipSelect = 33; // SD Card String zzzzzz = ""; // Rocker Switches int iRow1 = 16; // Rocker Switches Digital 16 int iRow1State = 0; // Variable for reading the pushbutton status // ESP32 HardwareSerial HardwareSerial tGPS(2); // GPS Receiver #define gpsRXPIN 4 #define gpsTXPIN 36 // This one is unused and doesnt have a conection // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; float TargetLat; float TargetLon; int Status = 0; // EMF Meter (Single Axis) #define NUMREADINGS 15 // Raise this number to increase data smoothing int senseLimit = 15; // Raise this number to decrease sensitivity (up to 1023 max) int val = 0; // Val int iEMF = A0; // EMF Meter int readings[ NUMREADINGS ]; // Readings from the analog input int ind = 0; // Index of the current reading int total = 0; // Running total int average = 0; // Final average of the probe reading int iEMFDis = 0; int iEMFRect = 0; // LiPo Battery const int bat = A13; // LiPo Battery uint16_t vbat = 0; int iBat = 0; // PIR Motion const int iMotion = 32; // Motion detector const int iLEDGreen1 = 14; // LED Green 1 int proximity = LOW; // Proximity String Det = ""; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte // we're going to read to next) #define EEPROM_SIZE 64 String sver = "11-2.p"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded. while ( tGPS.available() > 0) if (gps.encode( tGPS.read() )) { displayInfo(); } if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) { while(true); } // Date and Time isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isRHT03(); // SHARP Memory Display On isDisplayOn(); // Rocker Switched // Read the state of the iRow1 value iRow1State = digitalRead(iRow1); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) isEMF(); // LiPo Battery isBattery(); // isPIR Motion isPIR(); // Check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH: if (iRow1State == HIGH) { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH ); // SD Card isSD(); } else { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW ); } // Delay delay( 1000 ); }
// LiPo Battery void isBattery() { // Battery vbat = analogRead(bat); vbat = vbat / 2; iBat = map( vbat, 1, 1064, 1, 100); }
// SHARP Memory Display On void isDisplayOn() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // Text display date, time, LED on, Etc... display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Date display.setCursor(0,1); display.println( dateRTC ); // Time display.setCursor(0,17); display.println( timeRTC ); // Longitude display.setCursor(0,35); display.print("Lon: "); display.println( TargetLon ); // Latitude display.setCursor(0,55); display.print("Lat: "); display.println( TargetLat ); // Humidity display.setCursor(0,74); display.print("Hum: "); display.print( latestHumidity ); display.println("%"); // Temp C display.setCursor(0,94); display.print("Cel: "); display.print( latestTempC ); display.println("*C"); // EMF Meter display.setCursor(0,114); display.print("EMF: "); display.println( iEMFDis ); // Battery display.setCursor(0,134); display.print("Bat: "); display.print( iBat ); display.println( "%" ); // PIR Motion display.println( Det ); display.setCursor(0,154); // Refresh display.refresh(); } // SHARP Memory Display - UID void isDisplayUID() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // text display EEPROM display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // EEPROM with Unique ID display.setCursor(0,20); display.print( "UID: " ); display.println( uid ); // Version display.setCursor(0,45); display.print( "VER: "); display.println( sver ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); }
// EEPROM void GetUID() { // Get unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(EEPROM.read(x)); } }
// EMF Meter (Single Axis) // setupEMF void setupEMF() { // EMF Meter (Single Axis) pinMode( iEMF, OUTPUT ); // EMF Meter for (int i = 0; i < NUMREADINGS; i++){ readings[ i ] = 0; // Initialize all the readings to 0 } } // isEMF void isEMF(){ // Probe val = analogRead( iEMF ); // Take a reading from the probe if( val >= 1 ){ // If the reading isn't zero, proceed val = constrain( val, 1, senseLimit ); // Turn any reading higher than the senseLimit value into the senseLimit value val = map( val, 1, senseLimit, 1, 1023 ); // Remap the constrained value within a 1 to 1023 range total -= readings[ ind ]; // Subtract the last reading readings[ ind ] = val; // Read from the sensor total += readings[ ind ]; // Add the reading to the total ind = ( ind + 1 ); // Advance to the next index if ( ind >= NUMREADINGS ) { // If we're at the end of the array... ind = 0; // ...wrap around to the beginning } average = total / NUMREADINGS; // Calculate the average // average = val; } else { iEMFRect = 0; val = 0; average = 0; } iEMFDis = average; iEMFRect = map( average, 1, 1023, 1, 144 ); }
// GPS Receiver void setupGPS() { // Setup GPS tGPS.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1, gpsRXPIN, gpsTXPIN ); } // GPS Vector Pointer Target void displayInfo() { // Location if (gps.location.isValid()) { TargetLat = gps.location.lat(); TargetLon = gps.location.lng(); Status = 2; } else { Status = 0; } }
// PIR Motion void setupPIR() { // Setup PIR Montion pinMode(iMotion, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iLEDGreen1, OUTPUT); } // isPIR Motion void isPIR() { // Proximity proximity = digitalRead(iMotion); if (proximity == LOW) { // PIR Motion Sensor's LOW, Motion is detected // LED Green 1 - HIGH digitalWrite(iLEDGreen1, HIGH); Det = "Motion!"; } else { // PIR Motion Sensor's HIGH // LED Green 1 - LOW digitalWrite(iLEDGreen1, LOW); Det = "****"; } }
// RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void isRHT03(){ // Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor. int updateRet = rht.update(); // The humidity(), tempC(), and tempF() functions can be called -- after // a successful update() -- to get the last humidity and temperature value latestHumidity = rht.humidity(); latestTempC = rht.tempC(); latestTempF = rht.tempF(); }
// PCF8523 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // pcf8523 Precision RTC if (! rtc.begin()) { while (1); } if (! rtc.initialized()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 9, 29, 12, 17, 0)); } } // Date and Time RTC void isRTC () { // Date and Time DateTime now = rtc.now(); // Date dateRTC = now.year(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.month(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.day(), DEC; // Time timeRTC = now.hour(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.minute(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.second(), DEC; }
// SD Card void setupSD() { // SD Card pinMode( chipSelect , OUTPUT ); if(!SD.begin( chipSelect )){ ; return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ ; return; } //Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ ; } else { ; } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); } // SD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; zzzzzz = uid + "|" + sver + "|" + dateRTC + "|" + timeRTC + "|" + Status + "|" + TargetLon + "|" + TargetLat + "|" + latestHumidity + "|" + latestTempC + "|" + latestTempF + "|" + average + "|" + iBat + "|" + Det + "|\r"; char msg[zzzzzz.length() + 1]; zzzzzz.toCharArray(msg, zzzzzz.length() + 1); appendFile(SD, "/espdata.txt", msg ); } // List Dir void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ dirname; File root = fs.open(dirname); if(!root){ return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){ file.name(); if(levels){ listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); } } else { file.name(); file.size(); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } // Write File void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); } // Append File void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ //Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\n", path); path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); }
// Setup void setup() { // EEPROM with Unique ID EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); // Get Unit ID GetUID(); // GPS Receiver // Setup GPS setupGPS(); // SHARP Display start & clear the display display.begin(); display.clearDisplay(); isDisplayUID(); delay( 5000 ); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // PCF8523 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // Date and Time RTC isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Call rht.begin() to initialize the sensor and our data pin rht.begin(RHT03_DATA_PIN); // SD Card setupSD(); // Rocker Switches pinMode(iRow1, INPUT); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) setupEMF(); // PIR Motion setupPIR(); }
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Web: https://www.donluc.com/
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Project #11: ESP32 Feather – LiPo 2.5Ah – Mk10
Lithium Ion Battery – 2.5Ah
These are very slim, extremely light weight batteries based on Lithium Ion chemistry. Each cell outputs a nominal 3.7V at 2500mAh. Comes terminated with a standard 2-pin JST-PH connector – 2mm spacing between pins. These batteries require special charging. Do not attempt to charge these with anything but a specialized Lithium Polymer charger.
1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x 8Gb Micro SD Card
1 x RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
1 x GPS Receiver GP-20U
1 x LED Green
1 x Rocker Switches
1 x 100 Ohm
1 x 10K Ohm
1 x 3.3M Ohm
1 x Antenna
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 2.5Ah
14 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
6 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
2 x Wire
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
LG1 – Digital 21
RO1 – Digital 16
RHT – Digital 17
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
SD1 – Digital 33
SC2 – Digital 5
MO2 – Digital 18
MI2 – Digital 19
GPS – Digital 4
EMF – Analog A0
BAT – Analog A13
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics ***** // Software Version Information // Project #11: HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather - LiPo 2.5Ah - Mk10 // 11-01 // DL1911Mk01p.ino 11-10 // Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board // SHARP Display // LED Green // Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD // EEPROM // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Rocker Switches // GPS Receiver // EMF Meter (Single Axis) // Lithium Ion Battery - 2.5Ah // include Library Code // SHARP Memory Display #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Date and Time #include "RTClib.h" // EEPROM library to read EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include "EEPROM.h" // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor #include <SparkFun_RHT03.h> // SD Card #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // GPS Receiver #include <TinyGPS++.h> #include <HardwareSerial.h> // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here, e.g. 144x168! Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 int minorHalfSize; // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // LED Green // PCF8523 Precision RTC RTC_PCF8523 rtc; String dateRTC = ""; String timeRTC = ""; // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 17; // RHT03 data pin Digital 17 RHT03 rht; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we'll use to interact with the sensor float latestHumidity; float latestTempC; float latestTempF; // SD Card const int chipSelect = 33; // SD Card String zzzzzz = ""; // Rocker Switches int iRow1 = 16; // Rocker Switches Digital 16 int iRow1State = 0; // Variable for reading the pushbutton status // ESP32 HardwareSerial HardwareSerial tGPS(2); // GPS Receiver #define gpsRXPIN 4 #define gpsTXPIN 36 // This one is unused and doesnt have a conection // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; float TargetLat; float TargetLon; int Status = 0; // EMF Meter (Single Axis) #define NUMREADINGS 15 // Raise this number to increase data smoothing int senseLimit = 15; // Raise this number to decrease sensitivity (up to 1023 max) int val = 0; // Val int iEMF = A0; // EMF Meter int readings[ NUMREADINGS ]; // Readings from the analog input int ind = 0; // Index of the current reading int total = 0; // Running total int average = 0; // Final average of the probe reading int iEMFDis = 0; int iEMFRect = 0; // LiPo Battery const int bat = A13; // LiPo Battery uint16_t vbat = 0; int iBat = 0; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte // we're going to read to next) #define EEPROM_SIZE 64 String sver = "11-1.p"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded. while ( tGPS.available() > 0) if (gps.encode( tGPS.read() )) { displayInfo(); } if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) { while(true); } // Date and Time isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isRHT03(); // SHARP Memory Display On isDisplayOn(); // Rocker Switched // Read the state of the iRow1 value iRow1State = digitalRead(iRow1); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) isEMF(); // LiPo Battery isBattery(); // Check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH: if (iRow1State == HIGH) { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH ); // SD Card isSD(); } else { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW ); } // Delay delay( 1000 ); }
// LiPo Battery void isBattery() { // Battery vbat = analogRead(bat); vbat = vbat / 2; iBat = map( vbat, 1, 1064, 1, 100); }
// SHARP Memory Display On void isDisplayOn() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // text display date, time, LED on display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,1); display.println( dateRTC ); display.setCursor(0,17); display.println( timeRTC ); display.setCursor(0,35); display.print("Lon: "); display.println( TargetLon ); display.setCursor(0,55); display.print("Lat: "); display.println( TargetLat ); display.setCursor(0,74); display.print("Hum: "); display.print( latestHumidity ); display.println("%"); display.setCursor(0,94); display.print("Cel: "); display.print( latestTempC ); display.println("*C"); display.setCursor(0,114); display.print("EMF: "); display.println( iEMFDis ); display.setCursor(0,134); display.print("Bat: "); display.print( iBat ); display.println( "%" ); display.refresh(); } // SHARP Memory Display - UID void isDisplayUID() { // text display EEPROM display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,20); display.print( "UID: " ); display.println( uid ); // display.setTextSize(); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,45); display.print( "VER: "); display.println( sver ); display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); }
// EEPROM void GetUID() { // Get unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(EEPROM.read(x)); } }
// EMF Meter (Single Axis) // setupEMF void setupEMF() { // EMF Meter (Single Axis) pinMode( iEMF, OUTPUT ); // EMF Meter for (int i = 0; i < NUMREADINGS; i++){ readings[ i ] = 0; // Initialize all the readings to 0 } } // isEMF void isEMF(){ // Probe val = analogRead( iEMF ); // Take a reading from the probe if( val >= 1 ){ // If the reading isn't zero, proceed val = constrain( val, 1, senseLimit ); // Turn any reading higher than the senseLimit value into the senseLimit value val = map( val, 1, senseLimit, 1, 1023 ); // Remap the constrained value within a 1 to 1023 range total -= readings[ ind ]; // Subtract the last reading readings[ ind ] = val; // Read from the sensor total += readings[ ind ]; // Add the reading to the total ind = ( ind + 1 ); // Advance to the next index if ( ind >= NUMREADINGS ) { // If we're at the end of the array... ind = 0; // ...wrap around to the beginning } average = total / NUMREADINGS; // Calculate the average // average = val; } else { iEMFRect = 0; val = 0; average = 0; } iEMFDis = average; iEMFRect = map( average, 1, 1023, 1, 144 ); }
// GPS Receiver void setupGPS() { // Setup GPS tGPS.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1, gpsRXPIN, gpsTXPIN ); } // GPS Vector Pointer Target void displayInfo() { // Location if (gps.location.isValid()) { TargetLat = gps.location.lat(); TargetLon = gps.location.lng(); Status = 2; } else { Status = 0; } }
// RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void isRHT03(){ // Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor. int updateRet = rht.update(); // The humidity(), tempC(), and tempF() functions can be called -- after // a successful update() -- to get the last humidity and temperature value latestHumidity = rht.humidity(); latestTempC = rht.tempC(); latestTempF = rht.tempF(); }
// PCF8523 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // pcf8523 Precision RTC if (! rtc.begin()) { while (1); } if (! rtc.initialized()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 9, 29, 12, 17, 0)); } } // Date and Time RTC void isRTC () { // Date and Time DateTime now = rtc.now(); // Date dateRTC = now.year(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.month(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.day(), DEC; // Time timeRTC = now.hour(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.minute(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.second(), DEC; }
// SD Card void setupSD() { // SD Card pinMode( chipSelect , OUTPUT ); if(!SD.begin( chipSelect )){ ; return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ ; return; } //Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ ; } else { ; } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); } // SD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; zzzzzz = uid + "|" + sver + "|" + dateRTC + "|" + timeRTC + "|" + Status + "|" + TargetLon + "|" + TargetLat + "|" + latestHumidity + "|" + latestTempC + "|" + latestTempF + "|" + average + "|\r"; char msg[zzzzzz.length() + 1]; zzzzzz.toCharArray(msg, zzzzzz.length() + 1); appendFile(SD, "/espdata.txt", msg ); } // List Dir void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ dirname; File root = fs.open(dirname); if(!root){ return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){ file.name(); if(levels){ listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); } } else { file.name(); file.size(); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } // Write File void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); } // Append File void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ //Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\n", path); path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); }
// Setup void setup() { // EEPROM with unique ID EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); // Get Unit ID GetUID(); // GPS Receiver // Setup GPS setupGPS(); // SHARP Display start & clear the display display.begin(); display.clearDisplay(); isDisplayUID(); delay( 5000 ); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // PCF8523 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // Date and Time RTC isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Call rht.begin() to initialize the sensor and our data pin rht.begin(RHT03_DATA_PIN); // SD Card setupSD(); // Rocker Switches pinMode(iRow1, INPUT); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) setupEMF(); }
Follow Us
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://neosteamlabs.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NeoSteamLabs
Don Luc
Project #11: ESP32 Feather – EMF Meter – Mk09
EMF Meter
EMF measurements are measurements of ambient electromagnetic fields that are performed using particular sensors or probes, such as EMF meters. These probes can be generally considered as antennas although with different characteristics. In fact probes should not perturb the electromagnetic field and must prevent coupling and reflection as much as possible in order to obtain precise results.
EMF probes may respond to fields only on one axis. Amplified, active, probes can improve measurement precision and sensitivity but their active components may limit their speed of response.
1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x 8Gb Micro SD Card
1 x RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
1 x GPS Receiver GP-20U
1 x LED Green
1 x Rocker Switches
1 x 100 Ohm
1 x 10K Ohm
1 x 3.3M Ohm
1 x Antenna
14 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
6 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
2 x Wire
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
LG1 – Digital 21
RO1 – Digital 16
RHT – Digital 17
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
SD1 – Digital 33
SC2 – Digital 5
MO2 – Digital 18
MI2 – Digital 19
GPS – Digital 4
EMF – Analog A0
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics ***** // Software Version Information // Project #11: HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather - EMF - Mk09 // 10-01 // DL1910Mk01p.ino 11-09 // Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board // SHARP Display // LED Green // Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD // EEPROM // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Rocker Switches // GPS Receiver // EMF Meter (Single Axis) // include Library Code // SHARP Memory Display #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Date and Time #include "RTClib.h" // EEPROM library to read EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include "EEPROM.h" // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor #include <SparkFun_RHT03.h> // SD Card #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // GPS Receiver #include <TinyGPS++.h> #include <HardwareSerial.h> // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here, e.g. 144x168! Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 int minorHalfSize; // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // LED Green // PCF8523 Precision RTC RTC_PCF8523 rtc; String dateRTC = ""; String timeRTC = ""; // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 17; // RHT03 data pin Digital 17 RHT03 rht; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we'll use to interact with the sensor float latestHumidity; float latestTempC; float latestTempF; // SD Card const int chipSelect = 33; // SD Card String zzzzzz = ""; // Rocker Switches int iRow1 = 16; // Rocker Switches Digital 16 int iRow1State = 0; // Variable for reading the pushbutton status // ESP32 HardwareSerial HardwareSerial tGPS(2); // GPS Receiver #define gpsRXPIN 4 #define gpsTXPIN 36 // This one is unused and doesnt have a conection // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; float TargetLat; float TargetLon; int Status = 0; // EMF Meter (Single Axis) #define NUMREADINGS 15 // Raise this number to increase data smoothing int senseLimit = 15; // Raise this number to decrease sensitivity (up to 1023 max) int val = 0; // Val int iEMF = A0; // EMF Meter int readings[ NUMREADINGS ]; // Readings from the analog input int ind = 0; // Index of the current reading int total = 0; // Running total int average = 0; // Final average of the probe reading int iEMFDis = 0; int iEMFRect = 0; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte // we're going to read to next) #define EEPROM_SIZE 64 String sver = "10-1.p"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded. while ( tGPS.available() > 0) if (gps.encode( tGPS.read() )) { displayInfo(); } if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) { while(true); } // Date and Time isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isRHT03(); // SHARP Memory Display On isDisplayOn(); // Rocker Switched // Read the state of the iRow1 value iRow1State = digitalRead(iRow1); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) isEMF(); // Check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH: if (iRow1State == HIGH) { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH ); // SD Card isSD(); } else { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW ); } // Delay delay( 1000 ); }
// SHARP Memory Display On void isDisplayOn() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // text display date, time, LED on display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,1); display.println( dateRTC ); display.setCursor(0,17); display.println( timeRTC ); //display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,35); display.print("Lon: "); display.println( TargetLon ); display.setCursor(0,55); display.print("Lat: "); display.println( TargetLat ); display.setCursor(0,74); display.print("Hum: "); display.print( latestHumidity ); display.println("%"); display.setCursor(0,94); display.print("Cel: "); display.print( latestTempC ); display.println("*C"); display.setCursor(0,114); display.print("EMF: "); display.println( iEMFDis ); display.setCursor(0,134); display.setTextSize(1); display.println( "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" ); display.setCursor(0,144); display.drawRect(0, 144, iEMFRect , display.height(), BLACK); display.fillRect(0, 144, iEMFRect , display.height(), BLACK); display.refresh(); } // SHARP Memory Display - UID void isDisplayUID() { // text display EEPROM display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,20); display.print( "UID: " ); display.println( uid ); // display.setTextSize(); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,45); display.print( "VER: "); display.println( sver ); display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); }
// EEPROM void GetUID() { // Get unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(EEPROM.read(x)); } }
// EMF Meter (Single Axis) // setupEMF void setupEMF() { // EMF Meter (Single Axis) pinMode( iEMF, OUTPUT ); // EMF Meter for (int i = 0; i < NUMREADINGS; i++){ readings[ i ] = 0; // Initialize all the readings to 0 } } // isEMF void isEMF(){ // Probe val = analogRead( iEMF ); // Take a reading from the probe if( val >= 1 ){ // If the reading isn't zero, proceed val = constrain( val, 1, senseLimit ); // Turn any reading higher than the senseLimit value into the senseLimit value val = map( val, 1, senseLimit, 1, 1023 ); // Remap the constrained value within a 1 to 1023 range total -= readings[ ind ]; // Subtract the last reading readings[ ind ] = val; // Read from the sensor total += readings[ ind ]; // Add the reading to the total ind = ( ind + 1 ); // Advance to the next index if ( ind >= NUMREADINGS ) { // If we're at the end of the array... ind = 0; // ...wrap around to the beginning } average = total / NUMREADINGS; // Calculate the average } else { iEMFRect = 0; val = 0; average = 0; } iEMFDis = average; iEMFRect = map( average, 1, 1023, 1, 144 ); }
// GPS Receiver void setupGPS() { // Setup GPS tGPS.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1, gpsRXPIN, gpsTXPIN ); } // GPS Vector Pointer Target void displayInfo() { // Location if (gps.location.isValid()) { TargetLat = gps.location.lat(); TargetLon = gps.location.lng(); Status = 2; } else { Status = 0; } }
// RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void isRHT03(){ // Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor. int updateRet = rht.update(); // The humidity(), tempC(), and tempF() functions can be called -- after // a successful update() -- to get the last humidity and temperature value latestHumidity = rht.humidity(); latestTempC = rht.tempC(); latestTempF = rht.tempF(); }
// PCF8523 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // pcf8523 Precision RTC if (! rtc.begin()) { while (1); } if (! rtc.initialized()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 9, 29, 12, 17, 0)); } } // Date and Time RTC void isRTC () { // Date and Time DateTime now = rtc.now(); // Date dateRTC = now.year(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.month(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.day(), DEC; // Time timeRTC = now.hour(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.minute(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.second(), DEC; }
// SD Card void setupSD() { // SD Card pinMode( chipSelect , OUTPUT ); if(!SD.begin( chipSelect )){ ; return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ ; return; } //Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ ; } else { ; } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); } // SD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; zzzzzz = uid + "|" + sver + "|" + dateRTC + "|" + timeRTC + "|" + Status + "|" + TargetLon + "|" + TargetLat + "|" + latestHumidity + "|" + latestTempC + "|" + latestTempF + "|" + average + "|\r"; char msg[zzzzzz.length() + 1]; zzzzzz.toCharArray(msg, zzzzzz.length() + 1); appendFile(SD, "/espdata.txt", msg ); } // List Dir void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ dirname; File root = fs.open(dirname); if(!root){ return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){ file.name(); if(levels){ listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); } } else { file.name(); file.size(); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } // Write File void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); } // Append File void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ //Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\n", path); path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); }
// Setup void setup() { // EEPROM with unique ID EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); // Get Unit ID GetUID(); // GPS Receiver // Setup GPS setupGPS(); // SHARP Display start & clear the display display.begin(); display.clearDisplay(); isDisplayUID(); delay( 5000 ); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // PCF8523 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // Date and Time RTC isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Call rht.begin() to initialize the sensor and our data pin rht.begin(RHT03_DATA_PIN); // SD Card setupSD(); // Rocker Switches pinMode(iRow1, INPUT); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) setupEMF(); }
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Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://neosteamlabs.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
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Don Luc
Project #11: ESP32 Feather – ADXL335 – Mk08
ESP32 Feather – ADXL335
ADXL335 Triple Axis Accelerometer
Breakout board for the 3 axis ADXL335 from Analog Devices. This is the latest in a long, proven line of analog sensors – the holy grail of accelerometers. The ADXL335 is a triple axis MEMS accelerometer with extremely low noise and power consumption – only 320uA! The sensor has a full sensing range of +/-3g.
1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x 8Gb Micro SD Card
1 x RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
1 x GPS Receiver GP-20U
1 x ADXL335 Triple Axis Accelerometer
1 x LED Green
1 x Rocker Switches
1 x 100 Ohm
1 x 10K Ohm
14 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
6 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
5 x Wire
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
LG1 – Digital 21
RO1 – Digital 16
RHT – Digital 17
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
SD1 – Digital 33
SC2 – Digital 5
MO2 – Digital 18
MI2 – Digital 19
GPS – Digital 4
ACX – Analog A8
ACY – Analog A7
ACZ – Analog A6
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics ***** // Software Version Information // Project #11: HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather - ADXL335 - Mk08 // 09-05 // DL1909Mk05p.ino 11-08 // Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board // SHARP Display // LED Green // Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD // EEPROM // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Rocker Switches // GPS Receiver // ADXL335 Triple Axis Accelerometer // include Library Code // SHARP Memory Display #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Date and Time #include "RTClib.h" // EEPROM library to read EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include "EEPROM.h" // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor #include <SparkFun_RHT03.h> // SD Card #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // GPS Receiver #include <TinyGPS++.h> #include <HardwareSerial.h> // ADXL335 Triple Axis Accelerometer #include <ADXL335.h> // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here, e.g. 144x168! Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 int minorHalfSize; // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // LED Green // PCF8523 Precision RTC RTC_PCF8523 rtc; String dateRTC = ""; String timeRTC = ""; // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 17; // RHT03 data pin Digital 17 RHT03 rht; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we'll use to interact with the sensor float latestHumidity; float latestTempC; float latestTempF; // SD Card const int chipSelect = 33; // SD Card String zzzzzz = ""; // Rocker Switches int iRow1 = 16; // Rocker Switches Digital 16 int iRow1State = 0; // Variable for reading the pushbutton status // ESP32 HardwareSerial HardwareSerial tGPS(2); // GPS Receiver #define gpsRXPIN 4 #define gpsTXPIN 36 // This one is unused and doesnt have a conection // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; float TargetLat; float TargetLon; int Status = 0; // ADXL335 Triple Axis Accelerometer const int pin_x = A8; const int pin_y = A7; const int pin_z = A6; const float aref = 3.3; ADXL335 accel(pin_x, pin_y, pin_z, aref); String latestX = ""; String latestY = ""; String latestZ = ""; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte // we're going to read to next) #define EEPROM_SIZE 64 String sver = "9-5.p"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded. while ( tGPS.available() > 0) if (gps.encode( tGPS.read() )) { displayInfo(); } if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) { while(true); } // Date and Time isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isRHT03(); // SHARP Memory Display On isDisplayOn(); // Rocker Switched // Read the state of the iRow1 value iRow1State = digitalRead(iRow1); // ADXL335 Triple Axis Accelerometer getADXL335(); // Check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH: if (iRow1State == HIGH) { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH ); // SD Card isSD(); } else { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW ); } // Delay delay( 1000 ); }
// ADXL335 Triple Axis Accelerometer void getADXL335() { // This is required to update the values accel.update(); // This tells us how long the string is int string_width; float x; float y; float z; x = accel.getX(); y = accel.getY(); // If the project is laying flat and top up the z axis reads ~1G z = accel.getZ(); latestX = formatFloat(x, 2, &string_width); latestY = formatFloat(y, 2, &string_width); latestZ = formatFloat(z, 2, &string_width); } // Format float library String formatFloat(double value, int places, int* string_width) { // If value is positive infinity if (isinf(value) > 0) { return "+Inf"; } // Arduino does not seem to have negative infinity // keeping this code block for reference // if value is negative infinity if(isinf(value) < 0) { return "-Inf"; } // If value is not a number if(isnan(value) > 0) { return "NaN"; } // Always include a space for the dot int num_width = 1; // If the number of decimal places is less than 1 if (places < 1) { // Set places to 1 places = 1; // And truncate the value value = (float)((int)value); } // Add the places to the right of the decimal num_width += places; // If the value does not contain an integral part if (value < 1.0 && value > -1.0) { // Add one for the integral zero num_width++; } else { // Get the integral part and get the number of places to the left of decimal num_width += ((int)log10(abs(value))) + 1; } // If the value in less than 0 if (value < 0.0) { // Add a space for the minus sign num_width++; } // Make a string the size of the number plus 1 for string terminator char s[num_width + 1]; // Put the string terminator at the end s[num_width] = '\0'; // Initalize the array to all zeros for (int i = 0; i < num_width; i++) { s[i] = '0'; } // Characters that are not changed by the function below will be zeros // set the out variable string width lets the caller know what we came up with *string_width = num_width; // Use the avr-libc function dtosrtf to format the value return String(dtostrf(value,num_width,places,s)); }
// SHARP Memory Display On void isDisplayOn() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // text display date, time, LED on display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,1); display.println( dateRTC ); display.setCursor(0,17); display.println( timeRTC ); //display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,35); display.print("Lon: "); display.println( TargetLon ); display.setCursor(0,55); display.print("Lat: "); display.println( TargetLat ); display.setCursor(0,74); display.print("Hum: "); display.print( latestHumidity ); display.println("%"); display.setCursor(0,94); display.print("Cel: "); display.print( latestTempC ); display.println("*C"); display.setCursor(0,114); display.print("X: "); display.println( latestX ); display.setCursor(0,134); display.print("Y: "); display.println( latestY ); display.setCursor(0,154); display.print("Z: "); display.println( latestZ ); display.refresh(); } // SHARP Memory Display - UID void isDisplayUID() { // text display EEPROM display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,20); display.print( "UID: " ); display.println( uid ); // display.setTextSize(); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,45); display.print( "VER: "); display.println( sver ); display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); }
// EEPROM void GetUID() { // Get unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(EEPROM.read(x)); } }
// GPS Receiver void setupGPS() { // Setup GPS tGPS.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1, gpsRXPIN, gpsTXPIN ); } // GPS Vector Pointer Target void displayInfo() { // Location if (gps.location.isValid()) { TargetLat = gps.location.lat(); TargetLon = gps.location.lng(); Status = 2; } else { Status = 0; } }
// RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void isRHT03(){ // Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor. int updateRet = rht.update(); // The humidity(), tempC(), and tempF() functions can be called -- after // a successful update() -- to get the last humidity and temperature value latestHumidity = rht.humidity(); latestTempC = rht.tempC(); latestTempF = rht.tempF(); }
// PCF8523 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // pcf8523 Precision RTC if (! rtc.begin()) { while (1); } if (! rtc.initialized()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 9, 29, 12, 17, 0)); } } // Date and Time RTC void isRTC () { // Date and Time DateTime now = rtc.now(); // Date dateRTC = now.year(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.month(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.day(), DEC; // Time timeRTC = now.hour(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.minute(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.second(), DEC; }
// SD Card void setupSD() { // SD Card pinMode( chipSelect , OUTPUT ); if(!SD.begin( chipSelect )){ ; return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ ; return; } //Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ ; } else { ; } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); } // SD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; zzzzzz = uid + "|" + sver + "|" + dateRTC + "|" + timeRTC + "|" + Status + "|" + TargetLon + "|" + TargetLat + "|" + latestHumidity + "|" + latestTempC + "|" + latestTempF + "|" + latestX + "|" + latestY + "|" + latestZ + "|\r"; char msg[zzzzzz.length() + 1]; zzzzzz.toCharArray(msg, zzzzzz.length() + 1); appendFile(SD, "/espdata.txt", msg ); } // List Dir void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ dirname; File root = fs.open(dirname); if(!root){ return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){ file.name(); if(levels){ listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); } } else { file.name(); file.size(); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } // Write File void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); } // Append File void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ //Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\n", path); path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); }
// Setup void setup() { // EEPROM with unique ID EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); // Get Unit ID GetUID(); // GPS Receiver // Setup GPS setupGPS(); // SHARP Display start & clear the display display.begin(); display.clearDisplay(); isDisplayUID(); delay( 5000 ); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // PCF8523 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // Date and Time RTC isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Call rht.begin() to initialize the sensor and our data pin rht.begin(RHT03_DATA_PIN); // SD Card setupSD(); // Rocker Switches pinMode(iRow1, INPUT); }
Follow Us
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://neosteamlabs.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
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Don Luc
Project #11: ESP32 Feather – GPS Receiver – Mk07
ESP32 Feather – GPS Receiver
Global Positioning System
The Global Positioning System (GPS), originally Navstar GPS, is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Air Force. It is a global navigation satellite system that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. Obstacles such as mountains and buildings block the relatively weak GPS signals.
The GPS does not require the user to transmit any data, and it operates independently of any telephonic or internet reception, though these technologies can enhance the usefulness of the GPS positioning information. The GPS provides critical positioning capabilities to military, civil, and commercial users around the world. The United States government created the system, maintains it, and makes it freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.
1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x 8Gb Micro SD Card
1 x RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
1 x GPS Receiver GP-20U7
1 x LED Green
1 x Rocker Switches
1 x 100 Ohm
1 x 10K Ohm
14 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
6 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
LG1 – Digital 21
RO1 – Digital 16
RHT – Digital 17
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
SD1 – Digital 33
SC2 – Digital 5
MO2 – Digital 18
MI2 – Digital 19
GPS – Digital 4
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics ***** // Software Version Information // Project #11: HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather - GPS Receiver - Mk07 // 09-04 // DL1909Mk04p.ino 11-07 // Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board // SHARP Display // LED Green // Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD // EEPROM // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Rocker Switches // GPS Receiver // include Library Code // SHARP Memory Display #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Date and Time #include "RTClib.h" // EEPROM library to read EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include "EEPROM.h" // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor #include <SparkFun_RHT03.h> // SD Card #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // GPS Receiver #include <TinyGPS++.h> #include <HardwareSerial.h> // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here, e.g. 144x168! Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 int minorHalfSize; // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // LED Green // PCF8523 Precision RTC RTC_PCF8523 rtc; String dateRTC = ""; String timeRTC = ""; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte // we're going to read to next) #define EEPROM_SIZE 64 String sver = "9-4.p"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 17; // RHT03 data pin Digital 17 RHT03 rht; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we'll use to interact with the sensor float latestHumidity; float latestTempC; float latestTempF; // SD Card const int chipSelect = 33; // SD Card String zzzzzz = ""; // Rocker Switches int iRow1 = 16; // Rocker Switches Digital 16 int iRow1State = 0; // Variable for reading the pushbutton status // ESP32 HardwareSerial HardwareSerial tGPS(2); // GPS Receiver #define gpsRXPIN 4 #define gpsTXPIN 36 // This one is unused and doesnt have a conection // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; float TargetLat; float TargetLon; int Status = 0; void loop() { // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded. while ( tGPS.available() > 0) if (gps.encode( tGPS.read() )) { displayInfo(); } if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) { while(true); } // Date and Time isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isRHT03(); // SHARP Memory Display On isDisplayOn(); // Rocker Switched // Read the state of the iRow1 value iRow1State = digitalRead(iRow1); // Check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH: if (iRow1State == HIGH) { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH ); // SD Card isSD(); } else { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW ); } // Delay delay( 1000 ); }
// SHARP Memory Display On void isDisplayOn() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // text display date, time, LED on display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,5); display.print("GPS: "); display.println( Status ); display.setCursor(0,25); display.print("LON: "); display.println( TargetLon ); display.setCursor(0,45); display.print("LAT: "); display.println( TargetLat ); display.setCursor(0,65); display.println( dateRTC ); display.setCursor(0,85); display.println( timeRTC ); display.setCursor(0,105); display.print("Hum: "); display.print( latestHumidity ); display.println("%"); display.setCursor(0,125); display.print("Cel: "); display.print( latestTempC ); display.println("*C"); display.setCursor(0,145); display.print("Fah: "); display.print( latestTempF ); display.println("*F"); display.refresh(); } // SHARP Memory Display - UID void isDisplayUID() { // text display EEPROM display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,20); display.print( "UID: " ); display.println( uid ); // display.setTextSize(); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,45); display.print( "VER: "); display.println( sver ); display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); }
// EEPROM void GetUID() { // Get unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(EEPROM.read(x)); } }
// GPS Receiver void setupGPS() { // Setup GPS tGPS.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1, gpsRXPIN, gpsTXPIN ); } // GPS Vector Pointer Target void displayInfo() { // Location if (gps.location.isValid()) { TargetLat = gps.location.lat(); TargetLon = gps.location.lng(); Status = 2; } else { Status = 0; } }
// RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void isRHT03(){ // Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor. int updateRet = rht.update(); // The humidity(), tempC(), and tempF() functions can be called -- after // a successful update() -- to get the last humidity and temperature value latestHumidity = rht.humidity(); latestTempC = rht.tempC(); latestTempF = rht.tempF(); }
// PCF8523 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // pcf8523 Precision RTC if (! rtc.begin()) { while (1); } if (! rtc.initialized()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 9, 29, 12, 17, 0)); } } // Date and Time RTC void isRTC () { // Date and Time DateTime now = rtc.now(); // Date dateRTC = now.year(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.month(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.day(), DEC; // Time timeRTC = now.hour(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.minute(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.second(), DEC; }
// SD Card void setupSD() { // SD Card pinMode( chipSelect , OUTPUT ); if(!SD.begin( chipSelect )){ ; return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ ; return; } //Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ ; } else { ; } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); } // SD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; zzzzzz = uid + "|" + sver + "|" + Status + "|" + TargetLon + "|" + TargetLat + "|" + dateRTC + "|" + timeRTC + "|" + latestHumidity + "|" + latestTempC + "|" + latestTempF + "|\r"; char msg[zzzzzz.length() + 1]; zzzzzz.toCharArray(msg, zzzzzz.length() + 1); appendFile(SD, "/espdata.txt", msg ); } // List Dir void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ dirname; File root = fs.open(dirname); if(!root){ return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){ file.name(); if(levels){ listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); } } else { file.name(); file.size(); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } // Write File void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); } // Append File void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ //Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\n", path); path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); }
// Setup void setup() { // EEPROM with unique ID EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); // Get Unit ID GetUID(); // GPS Receiver // Setup GPS setupGPS(); // SHARP Display start & clear the display display.begin(); display.clearDisplay(); isDisplayUID(); delay( 5000 ); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // PCF8523 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // Date and Time RTC isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Call rht.begin() to initialize the sensor and our data pin rht.begin(RHT03_DATA_PIN); // SD Card setupSD(); // Rocker Switches pinMode(iRow1, INPUT); }
Follow Us
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://neosteamlabs.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neosteamlabs/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NeoSteamLabs
Don Luc
Project #11: ESP32 Feather – Rocker Switches – Mk06
ESP32 Feather – Rocker Switches
Rocker Switch – Round
These panel-mounting rocker switches simple SPST on-off. They mount into a 20.2mm diameter hole and are rated up to 16A @ 12v.
1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x 8Gb Micro SD Card
1 x RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
1 x LED Green
1 x Rocker Switches
1 x 100 Ohm
1 x 10K Ohm
14 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
6 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
LG1 – Digital 21
RO1 – Digital 16
RHT – Digital 17
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
SD1 – Digital 33
SC2 – Digital 5
MO2 – Digital 18
MI2 – Digital 19
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics ***** // Software Version Information // Project #11: HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather - Rocker Switches - Mk06 // 09-03 // DL1909Mk03p.ino 11-06 // Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board // SHARP Display // LED Green // Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD // EEPROM // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Rocker Switches // include Library Code // SHARP Memory Display #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Date and Time #include "RTClib.h" // EEPROM library to read EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include "EEPROM.h" // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor #include <SparkFun_RHT03.h> // SD Card #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here, e.g. 144x168! Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 int minorHalfSize; // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // LED Green // PCF8523 Precision RTC RTC_PCF8523 rtc; String dateRTC = ""; String timeRTC = ""; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte // we're going to read to next) #define EEPROM_SIZE 64 String sver = "9-3.p"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 17; // RHT03 data pin Digital 17 RHT03 rht; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we'll use to interact with the sensor float latestHumidity; float latestTempC; float latestTempF; // SD Card const int chipSelect = 33; // SD Card String zzzzzz = ""; // Rocker Switches int iRow1 = 16; // Rocker Switches int iRow1State = 0; // Variable for reading the pushbutton status void loop() { // Date and Time isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isRHT03(); // SHARP Memory Display On isDisplayOn(); // Rocker Switched // Read the state of the iRow1 value iRow1State = digitalRead(iRow1); // check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH: if (iRow1State == HIGH) { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH ); // SD Card isSD(); } else { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW ); } // Delay delay( 1000 ); }
// SHARP Memory Display On void isDisplayOn() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // text display date, time, LED on display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( dateRTC ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.println( timeRTC ); display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,55); display.print("Hum: "); display.print( latestHumidity ); display.println("%"); display.setCursor(0,75); display.print("Cel: "); display.print( latestTempC ); display.println("*C"); display.setCursor(0,95); display.print("Fah: "); display.print( latestTempF ); display.println("*F"); display.refresh(); } // SHARP Memory Display - UID void isDisplayUID() { // text display EEPROM display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,20); display.print( "UID: " ); display.println( uid ); // display.setTextSize(); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,45); display.print( "VER: "); display.println( sver ); display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); }
// EEPROM void GetUID() { // Get unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(EEPROM.read(x)); } }
// RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void isRHT03(){ // Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor. int updateRet = rht.update(); // The humidity(), tempC(), and tempF() functions can be called -- after // a successful update() -- to get the last humidity and temperature value latestHumidity = rht.humidity(); latestTempC = rht.tempC(); latestTempF = rht.tempF(); }
// PCF8523 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // pcf8523 Precision RTC if (! rtc.begin()) { while (1); } if (! rtc.initialized()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 9, 29, 12, 17, 0)); } } // Date and Time RTC void isRTC () { // Date and Time DateTime now = rtc.now(); // Date dateRTC = now.year(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.month(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.day(), DEC; // Time timeRTC = now.hour(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.minute(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.second(), DEC; }
// SD Card void setupSD() { // SD Card pinMode( chipSelect , OUTPUT ); if(!SD.begin( chipSelect )){ ; return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ ; return; } //Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ ; } else { ; } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); } // SD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; zzzzzz = uid + "|" + sver + "|" + dateRTC + "|" + timeRTC + "|" + latestHumidity + "|" + latestTempC + "|" + latestTempF + "|\r"; char msg[zzzzzz.length() + 1]; zzzzzz.toCharArray(msg, zzzzzz.length() + 1); appendFile(SD, "/espdata.txt", msg ); } // List Dir void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ dirname; File root = fs.open(dirname); if(!root){ return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){ file.name(); if(levels){ listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); } } else { file.name(); file.size(); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } // Write File void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); } // Append File void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ //Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\n", path); path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); }
// Setup void setup() { // EEPROM with unique ID EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); // Get Unit ID GetUID(); // SHARP Display start & clear the display display.begin(); display.clearDisplay(); isDisplayUID(); delay( 5000 ); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // PCF8523 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // Date and Time RTC isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Call rht.begin() to initialize the sensor and our data pin rht.begin(RHT03_DATA_PIN); // SD Card setupSD(); // Rocker Switches pinMode(iRow1, INPUT); }
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Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://neosteamlabs.com/
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Don Luc
Project #11: ESP32 Feather – RTC + SD – Mk05
ESP32 Feather – RTC + SD – Mk05
Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
A Feather board without ambition is a Feather board without FeatherWings! This is the Adalogger FeatherWing: it adds both a battery-backed Real Time Clock and micro SD card storage to any Feather main board.
1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x 8Gb Micro SD Card
1 x RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
1 x LED Green
1 x 100 Ohm
14 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
6 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
LG1 – Digital 21
RHT – Digital 17
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
SD1 – Digital 33
SC2 – Digital 5
MO2 – Digital 18
MI2 – Digital 19
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics ***** // Software Version Information // Project #11: HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather - Mk05 // 09-02 // DL1909Mk02p.ino 11-05 // Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board // SHARP Display // LED Green // Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD // EEPROM // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // include Library Code // SHARP Memory Display #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Date and Time #include "RTClib.h" // EEPROM library to read EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include "EEPROM.h" // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor #include <SparkFun_RHT03.h> // SD Card #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here, e.g. 144x168! Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 int minorHalfSize; // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // LED Green // PCF8523 Precision RTC RTC_PCF8523 rtc; String dateRTC = ""; String timeRTC = ""; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte // we're going to read to next) #define EEPROM_SIZE 64 String sver = "9-2.p"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 17; // RHT03 data pin Digital 17 RHT03 rht; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we'll use to interact with the sensor float latestHumidity; float latestTempC; float latestTempF; // SD Card const int chipSelect = 33; // SD Card String zzzzzz = ""; void loop() { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH ); // Date and Time isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isRHT03(); // SHARP Memory Display On isDisplayOn(); // SD Card isSD(); // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW ); // Delay 1 delay( 10000 ); }
// SHARP Memory Display On void isDisplayOn() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // text display date, time, LED on display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( dateRTC ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.println( timeRTC ); display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,55); display.print("Hum: "); display.print( latestHumidity ); display.println("%"); display.setCursor(0,75); display.print("Cel: "); display.print( latestTempC ); display.println("*C"); display.setCursor(0,95); display.print("Fah: "); display.print( latestTempF ); display.println("*F"); display.refresh(); } // SHARP Memory Display - UID void isDisplayUID() { // text display EEPROM display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,20); display.print( "UID: " ); display.println( uid ); // display.setTextSize(); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(0,45); display.print( "VER: "); display.println( sver ); display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); }
// EEPROM void GetUID() { // Get unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(EEPROM.read(x)); } }
// RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void isRHT03(){ // Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor. int updateRet = rht.update(); // The humidity(), tempC(), and tempF() functions can be called -- after // a successful update() -- to get the last humidity and temperature value latestHumidity = rht.humidity(); latestTempC = rht.tempC(); latestTempF = rht.tempF(); }
// PCF8523 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // pcf8523 Precision RTC if (! rtc.begin()) { while (1); } if (! rtc.initialized()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 9, 29, 12, 17, 0)); } } // Date and Time RTC void isRTC () { // Date and Time DateTime now = rtc.now(); // Date dateRTC = now.year(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.month(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.day(), DEC; // Time timeRTC = now.hour(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.minute(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.second(), DEC; }
// SD Card void setupSD() { // SD Card pinMode( chipSelect , OUTPUT ); if(!SD.begin( chipSelect )){ ; return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ ; return; } //Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ ; } else { ; } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); } // SD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; zzzzzz = uid + "|" + sver + "|" + dateRTC + "|" + timeRTC + "|" + latestHumidity + "|" + latestTempC + "|" + latestTempF + "|\r"; char msg[zzzzzz.length() + 1]; zzzzzz.toCharArray(msg, zzzzzz.length() + 1); appendFile(SD, "/espdata.txt", msg ); } // List Dir void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ dirname; File root = fs.open(dirname); if(!root){ return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){ file.name(); if(levels){ listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); } } else { file.name(); file.size(); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } // Write File void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); } // Append File void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ //Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\n", path); path; File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); }
// Setup void setup() { // EEPROM with unique ID EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); // Get Unit ID GetUID(); // SHARP Display start & clear the display display.begin(); display.clearDisplay(); isDisplayUID(); delay( 5000 ); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // PCF8523 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // Date and Time RTC isRTC(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Call rht.begin() to initialize the sensor and our data pin rht.begin(RHT03_DATA_PIN); // SD Card setupSD(); }
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Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://neosteamlabs.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
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Don Luc
Project #11: ESP32 Feather – DS3231 Precision RTC – Mk03
Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing
A Feather board without ambition is a Feather board without FeatherWings! This is the DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing: it adds an extremely accurate I2C-integrated Real Time Clock (RTC) with a Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator to any Feather main board. This RTC is the most precise you can get in a small, low power package. Most RTCs use an external 32kHz timing crystal that is used to keep time with low current draw.
With a CR1220 12mm lithium battery plugged into the top of the FeatherWing, you can get years of precision timekeeping, even when main power is lost. Great for datalogging and clocks, or anything where you need to really know the time.
1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x LED Green
1 x Push Button
1 x 100 Ohm
1 x 10K Ohm
14 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
2 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather
LG1 – Digital 21
PB1 – Digital 17
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics ***** // Software Version Information // Project #11: HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather - DS3231 Precision RTC - Mk03 // 08-03 // DonLuc1908Mk03p.ino 08-03 // Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board // SHARP Display // LED Green // Push Button // DS3231 Precision RTC // include Library Code #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #include <RTClib.h> #include <Wire.h> // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here, e.g. 144x168! Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 int minorHalfSize; // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // LED Green int stateLEDGreen = LOW; // stateLEDGreen // Button int iBut1 = 17; // Button 1 int ButState1; // Variable for reading the button status int previous = LOW; // previous long lTime = 0; // lTime long debounce = 500; // debounce // DS3231 Precision RTC RTC_DS3231 RTC; String sDate; String sTime; void loop() { // Read the state of the button value ButState1 = digitalRead(iBut1); // Check if the button is pressed if (ButState1 == HIGH && previous == LOW && millis() - lTime > debounce) { if(stateLEDGreen == HIGH) { // stateLEDGreen = LOW stateLEDGreen = LOW; // DS3231 Precision RTC timeRTC(); // SHARP Memory Display Off isDisplayOff(); } else { // stateLEDGreen = HIGH stateLEDGreen = HIGH; // DS3231 Precision RTC timeRTC(); // SHARP Memory Display On isDisplayOn(); } lTime = millis(); } // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, stateLEDGreen); previous == ButState1; }
// SHARP Memory Display On void isDisplayOn() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // text display date, time, LED on display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(10,10); display.println( sDate ); display.setCursor(10,30); display.println( sTime ); display.setTextSize(3); display.setCursor(10,55); display.println("LED On"); display.refresh(); } // SHARP Memory Display Off void isDisplayOff() { // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // text display date, time, LED off display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); display.setCursor(10,10); display.println( sDate ); display.setCursor(10,30); display.println( sTime ); display.setTextSize(3); display.setCursor(10,55); display.println("LED Off"); display.refresh(); }
// DS3231 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // DS3231 Precision RTC RTC.begin(); if (! RTC.begin()) { while (1); } DateTime now = RTC.now(); if (RTC.lostPower()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled RTC.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); } } // timeRTC void timeRTC() { // DS3231 Precision RTC sDate = ""; sTime = ""; DateTime now = RTC.now(); // sData sDate += String(now.year(), DEC); sDate += "/"; sDate += String(now.month(), DEC); sDate += "/"; sDate += String(now.day(), DEC); // sTime sTime += String(now.hour(), DEC); sTime += ":"; sTime += String(now.minute(), DEC); sTime += ":"; sTime += String(now.second(), DEC); }
// Setup void setup() { // SHARP Display start & clear the display display.begin(); display.clearDisplay(); // Button 1 // Initialize the button as an input pinMode(iBut1, INPUT); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // DS3231 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // stateLEDGreen = LOW stateLEDGreen = LOW; // DS3231 Precision RTC timeRTC(); // SHARP Memory Display Off isDisplayOff(); }
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Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://neosteamlabs.com/
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Don Luc